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Meghan Kelly

Meghan Kelly

Meghan was born and raised in the West Island of Montreal and has always held a passion for broadcast media; after attending John Abbott College, she went on to study both Journalism and Communications at Concordia University.

She has been an athlete for most of her life and loves to follow women’s sports including soccer and basketball. She loves to lift a lot of weights, run a lot of miles, and eat plenty of good food… and extra servings when it comes to pasta, chips and chocolate…Especially chocolate.

If you know Meghan, you know that her absolute favorite thing to do in the whole, wide world is spend time with her friends and family.

She calls it a blessing to spend her weekday afternoons with all of Montreal on the Beat of Your Workday, and loves hanging out on the weekends counting down the top songs of the week on the Montreal Hit 40.

Write to Meghan



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