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The ultimate moving checklist: 10 things you should do!

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The ultimate moving checklist: 10 things you should do!
Moving day / Polysleep

With work, friends, family and good health to upkeep, nobody needs the stress of moving on top of everything else…That’s why you need Polysleep’s moving checklist!

Try these 10 moving tricks for a stress-free, easy move:

1. Plan your budget 
Moving isn’t cheap, so make sure to financially plan ahead of time! Some expenses will include hiring a moving company, home insurance, new furniture, and more.

2. Update your address
This one you definitely don’t want to forget! Think about your bank, hydro provider, driver’s license, etc.

3. Sort & keep essentials only
Anything you don’t need can be given to a charity or simply thrown away! 

4. Gather necessary tools & accessories
You don’t want to be missing anything, so make sure you have all you need!

5. Measure your furniture and decor
There’s nothing worse than a measurement mishap…right?

6. Start packing
When all that is done, it’s time to pack!

7. Hire a moving company
To make sure you have the help you need when moving, hire a moving company! Besides, they’re better at handling heavy furniture anyway.

8. Prepare your moving survival kit
In your moving survival kit, make sure you have scissors, a portable knife, garbage bags, tools, water, snacks, soap, towels, and toilet paper!

9. Plan for pet transportation 
Moving can be stressful for your pets, so make sure to arrange for someone to watch them on moving day! If you can’t find anyone, attribute a secure room where they can stay during your move.

10. Explore your new neighborhood
Now that you’re all moved in, take the time to explore your new space (this is where the fun begins!)

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