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Montreal will gain 2 minutes of daylight every day this week

Montreal will gain 2 minutes of daylight every day this week
Sunset in Montreal / Onfokus / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images

Now that the holidays and the shortest day of the year are past, it's time to move on to better and brighter things, don't you think?

That's why we come to you with good news today, Montreal. From January 15th to January 21st, Montreal will gain 2 minutes of daylight every day! That's right! Days will get longer, brighter, and, dare we day, generally happier from here on out.

If you're looking to mark your calendars, make sure to make note of February 20th, when the gain of daylight will reach its peak of 3 minutes per day. As of May, daylight will simmer down again with a maximum of 2 minutes gained every day. 

But let's not think about that quite yet. For now, all you need to know is that Montreal is on its way to more sunlight every day, threfore improving your overall mood, your vitamin D intake, and your sleep quality...Woohoo! 

See more details on the winter solstice and increase of daylight here

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