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Kim Kardashian fears she's become 'robot with no emotion'

Kim Kardashian fears she's become 'robot with no emotion'
Cover Media / Cover Media

Kim Kardashian is worried she's become a "robot" with "no emotion" as a result of being robbed at gunpoint in Paris, France back in 2016.

In the latest episode of The Kardashians which aired on Thursday, the reality TV star is seen speaking to her sister Khloé Kardashian about her ability to remain "calm" in stressful situations.

"(My therapist) was like, 'You think calm is your superpower. I think you are so desensitised from trauma that you literally are frozen in fight or flight,'" she recalled of the conversation. "So, then she was like, 'One time in life something happened, and you remained calm, and that worked for you. So, you will always choose calm.'"

Khloé then pointed out that the root of Kim's behaviour was probably the Paris robbery.

While attending Paris Fashion Week in October 2016, the brunette beauty was bound and gagged by five individuals dressed as police officers in her hotel room. Kim was physically unharmed and eventually managed to scream for help, but the thieves stole $10 million worth of jewellery before escaping.

"You weren't calm before. Kim, you were a lunatic," Khloé said, remembering how Kim would get worked up if someone touched her clothes. "You became calm. You were never calm as a teenager, in your 20s. You cried about everything. You were bratty. You threw tantrums. Everything stopped after you got robbed, because you stayed calm in that situation and you even said, 'My calmness is what kept me alive.'

"That's when it started. It doesn't take a f**king detective to figure that one out," she continued.

Later on in the episode, Kim recalled some details of the robbery and reflected on how the scary incident still impacts her.

"I mean, imagine you're like, gun to your head, getting tied up, dragged across a hotel room, and the guy, I remember him telling me, 'Just like, stay calm and you'll live.' And I did that," the 43-year-old said. "(It) served me well at that time, and I think it saved my life. But I think I've let it get too calm to where people could take advantage of my calmness or I'm just turning into a full robot with like, no emotion."

The Kardashians is now streaming via Hulu.

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