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Why women find "Handy" men attractive

Why women find "Handy" men attractive
Image / Me 3645 Studio / moment / Getty Images

The old days seem to have painted a picture for men that may not seem exactly what women want today. Women expect men to bring home the bread and butter for their family, but they are asking for a little bit more 'a handyman'. What makes something about handymen so attractive to women?


  • Skills
    • Women are finding men who possess the skills to repair essentials around the house more attractive.
  • Having a Man Who is Resourceful
    • When something breaks in the house it relieves the stress that you have someone to help fix it versus calling a professional and breaking the bank.
  • A Man’s Man
    • A lot of women are more attractive to men who don't mind getting dirty.
    • Handymen possess an edge to them. Women love the fact that their man has many different expertise.
  • Money Saver
    • Women are money savers. So what better way than to have a handyman right at home to help you save money rather than spend a fortune on a repair man.
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